Easy New Year's Resolutions You Can Stick To

Easy New Year's Resolutions You Can Stick To

In theory, New Year's resolutions seem like a great idea. However, in reality, they can be easily forgotten or hard to stick to. The New Year is all about a fresh start, and it’s important to have a game-plan in mind before entering 2019. Think small with your ideas, since it’s easier to complete these compared to big ideas that are just impossible. That’s why we’ve compiled realistic and easy New Year's resolutions that you can stick to.

Health Resolutions

easy new year's resolutions

  • Create a workout guide and plan.
  • Exercise for at least 10 minutes a day.
  • Join a gym with friends or family.
  • Build a better relationship with your body.
  • Get into a better and healthier sleep routine with the iFitness Pulse.
  • Take your skin care more seriously.
  • Eliminate unnecessary stress with meditation, yoga, or another activity.
  • Focus on self-care and find more time for yourself.
  • Get rid of emotional baggage by leaving it in 2018 and make more positive changes.
  • Unplug from your electronics for a few hours each day.

Diet Resolutions

easy new year's resolutions

  • Increase your fruit and vegetable intake.
  • Try meal prepping to get the most protein and vitamins each day.
  • Eat more omega-3 to keep your blood pressure down and mood up.
  • Up your fiber and eat more whole grains to stay slim and prevent heart diseases.
  • Eat less meat to save the environment and your arteries.
  • Consume less sugar and switch to healthier treats.
  • Cut liquid, junk food, and other unnecessary calories.
  • Drink more ounces of water each day to stay hydrated.
  • Snack more instead of eating big meals.
  • Cook more and eat out less.

Resolutions For Yourself

easy new year's resolutions

  • Get yourself a new look, whether it’s with clothes or a different hairstyle.
  • Talk less and listen more to others.
  • Clear the clutter you may have in your room or closet.
  • Start saving more money and get your financial house in order.
  • Create a budget sheet each month to better manage your money.
  • Stop procrastinating and become more organized to do better at work.
  • Establish connections to further your career.
  • Land your dream job or finish school with good grades.
  • Improve your current relationship or think about beginning one.
  • Cut yourself some slack – you’re doing great and should be put first.

Resolutions For Others

easy new year's resolutions

  • Donate or give back to multiple charities.
  • Volunteer at a location or organization you’re passionate about.
  • Spread positivity and generosity to others.
  • Be kind to every person you meet or pass by.
  • Reconnect with lost friends and loved ones.
  • Go to church with your family.
  • Take someone to see their favorite band or artist.
  • Complete more chores around the house.
  • Pay more attention to your pet’s care, including taking your dogs on more walks.
  • Travel somewhere you’ve never been with someone.

Share your New Year resolutions by tagging us on Instagram @itouchwearables and Facebook @itouchwearables. Also, be sure to check out our new articles published daily!
