Eco-Traveling For Beginners

Eco-Traveling For Beginners

Now that we have tackled being eco-friendly within the home, why not tackle being eco-friendly while abroad! Eco-traveling and having an eco-friendly trip doesn't have to focus around going camping or going of the grid for a couple of days, but rather, it can encompass a wide array of green activities that can help promote sustainable practices while reducing your carbon footprint.

Now that we have tackled being eco-friendly within the home, why not tackle being eco-friendly while abroad! Eco-traveling and having an eco-friendly trip doesn't have to focus around going camping or going of the grid for a couple of days, but rather, it can encompass a wide array of green activities that can help promote sustainable practices while reducing your carbon footprint. No matter the extreme of the tip, there are multiple, everyday things that can be done in order to be more green while traveling. As long as you are doing your part in wanting to be more sustainable, you can make an impact in the greater scheme of things despite even the smallest of things. In wanting to travel eco-friendly, here are the best tips on eco-traveling for beginners:

Pack Lightly

It may sound silly, but packing lightly can help create a lower carbon footprint in the grand scheme of things, as well as providing a lot of ease when traveling. For starters, every pound counts when it comes to traveling - the more weight in your travel bag, the more effort is needed to take in transporting it. When you take a plane, for example, the more clothes and items you pack in your bag affect the weight of the plane, meaning that it will take more effort to fly. This causes more carbon emissions to be produced. Pack only what you need!

When it comes to bringing clothes as well, only bring the essentials, and if needed, bring one item or outfit that is more fashion forward. Bring clothes that can be rotated and mixed-and-matched to create other outfits and that cannot be easily soiled. This will help cut down on the amount of laundry that needs to be done, meaning that you are cutting down on the water and energy needed to clean your clothes. 

Travel Smart

When planning your flight or trip, take into consideration ways that you can cut back on your travel efforts and your carbon footprint! When it comes to flying, try to plan flights that go straight to your destination instead of avoiding ones that make multiple stops. Not only will it potentially save you money, but it will save a lot of effort needed to get you to where you need, cutting back on carbon emissions. If you are considering driving to a destination, try sharing the commute or take public transportation. While it might not be the most glamorous of travel options, it is a much more eco-friendly way of traveling then driving alone or even flying. Public transportation means that you aren't creating additional carbon emissions that are used in private transportation. 

Choose A Green-Hotel

When traveling throughout the United States, consider staying in hotels that have the LEED Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. The United States Green Building Council is committed to promoting sustainability through architecture and design, creating the LEED program to promote green buildings and communities throughout the nation. Each hotel or lodging considered under the LEED Certification has been judged on their site certification, water savings, energy efficiency, material selection, indoor environmental quality, and innovation in sustainable design. 

If you consider traveling outside of the United States, look for eco-friendly programs that also certified destinations based off of their efforts in sustainability. Programs such as EarthCheck, Green Globe, the Rainforest Alliance, and the Green Tourism Business Scheme, all aim to create global sustainability initiatives in which they have their own certifications in order to create a seal of approval. It is always also good to ask about a hotel's eco-friendly initiatives and technology such as solar power, wind turbines, rainwater harvesting, energy-efficient lighting, or low-flow toilets. It is also important to see if your hotel has any recycling programs as well! 

Make Smart Water Use Choices

When it comes to using water, be smart about your choices. Consider bringing a reusable water bottle that can be refilled over the course of your trip. Many international airports have reusable water filling stations, which can save you money and reduce the amount of waste you create. When you need to bathe, consider taking showers and not baths, which can save huge amounts of water compared to baths, only needing about 10-25 gallons of water. Try also taking shorter showers, in which you turn off the water when you lather your shampoo or conditioner, shave, and/or brush your teeth. It may sound silly, but it can create a huge impact in the future.

If you are traveling soon or in need of a trip, it is always wise to consider how you contribute to our society's carbon footprint. In wanting to reduce your waste or the amount of energy you use, consider these tips! Then share with us your advice on eco-traveling by tagging us on Instagram @itouchwearables and Facebook @itouchwearables. Also, be sure to check out our new articles published daily!
