How To Fix An Upset Stomach

How To Fix An Upset Stomach

You can boost your immunity and prevent yourself from getting sick all you want, yet many of us still suffer from a constant upset stomach. Upset stomach is a problem many people have but people are ashamed to discuss. We're here to tell you that you're not alone, and we're here to help. Here's how to fix an upset stomach!

What Causes An Upset Stomach?

 How To Fix An Upset Stomach

The causes of an upset stomach are mostly out of our control. More and more people seem to be suffering from digestive issues that they're born with, and it's just how their gut developed. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and an intolerance to lactose or fructose are among the most common causes. It has to do with the gut’s microbiome, or its mix of good and bad microorganisms. Thus your gut development is out of your control - for the most part. 

How To Fix An Upset Stomach

How To Fix An Upset Stomach

Though there's no one magical cure, what you eat now can make a huge impact. You want to eat foods that produce a GI microbiome that is diverse and beneficial for your gut. Whole, plant foods are a good start. If you eat only a few foods or eat too much sugar and not enough fiber, then that is where you are hurting your gut. As mentioned, this is just a start. There are other factors that play into an upset stomach, such as foodborne infections, stress, and anxiety. If you try a diet change and you're still experiencing recurring gastrointestinal symptoms, then it’s wise to get checked out by a doctor.

What To Eat When You Have An Upset Stomach

How To Fix An Upset Stomach

Let's dive into the specifics of what to eat when you have an upset stomach - and which foods to avoid. It's important to first note the food and beverages you currently consume, the amounts of each, and identify any triggers you experience. If you eat a lot of foods in one category, then cut back on them to see if your GI begins to clear up. If those changes don’t have an impact, then move onto another food category. If you want fast relief and general comfort, you can reverse the damage by sipping a digestive tea or trying a sequence of yoga poses known to stimulate bowel motility. Just be sure to avoid the foods below and you'll be golden:

  • Foods high in lactose: Cow’s milk, yogurt, ice cream, or soft cheeses.
  • Foods high in fructose: Added sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, high-fructose fruits like apples, pears, cherries, and mangoes.
  • Foods high in certain oligosaccharides: Onions, garlic, wheat, artichokes, lentils, and chickpeas.
  • Foods high in sugar alcohols: Low-carb treats, sugar-free ice creams, breath mints, and sugar-free gum.

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