How To Get Rid Of Holiday Weight Fast

How To Get Rid Of Holiday Weight Fast

The holidays are known for good food and and over-stuffing ourselves. Nevertheless, it's also notorious for weight gain due to large amounts of food being so easily accessible. Lucky for you, we piled on tips on how to get rid of holiday weight fast, so you can start the new year on a good note!

Go Easy With The Gym & Cardio

How To Get Rid Of Holiday Weight Fast

This may sound contradictory, but you don't want to burn yourself out and go too hard at the gym straight from the beginning. January is the time of year that everyone signs up and starts their new gym membership. In reality though, you should be approaching your new fitness lifestyle at a slower pace. Especially if you barely worked out in a while and now you start going nonstop, you're just setting yourself up for failure. When you do set a schedule and go to the gym though, be sure you're incorporating weights. Of course cardio will assist with your fat-loss goals, however weight training is more effective and will get you more toned. As you lift weights you build muscle mass, and then it will help you lose fat mass. Getting a workout buddy will also help you work towards your weight loss goals more easily.

Ditch The Leftovers & Takeout

How To Get Rid Of Holiday Weight Fast

Wasting food is never a good thing, but keeping holiday leftovers in your fridge isn't a good thing for you. I's easily accessible, so you'll most likely want to reach for them again. To help get rid of holiday weight, you should start with a clean slate and clean the leftovers out of your house. Additionally, be wiry of ordering takeout. Ordering in from most places is just as unhealthy as keeping those holiday leftovers in the fridge. 

Change Your Eating & Drink Plenty Of Water

How To Get Rid Of Holiday Weight Fast

With that being said, you still want to continue eating, but just change what you eat. Skipping meals is actually the worst thing you can do as it slows down your metabolism and will make it harder for you to lose weight., so do not deprive yourself. Simply replace those carbs and fatty meats with leafy greens, whole grains, and leaner protein and you'll be feeding yourself great in no time. Some people are so hung up on losing weight fast and more focused on what they're eating, they forget to drink water as well. Dehydration actually makes your heart work harder to pump your blood, so do you heart and body a favor by drinking plenty of water. It can also help cut down on your post-holiday food cravings by suppressing hunger, which is a plus. 

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