How To Stay Fit During Your 9-5

How To Stay Fit During Your 9-5

Many of us don't have time to fit in a workout before or after our jobs. Not to mention, it's actually unhealthy to remain seated for long periods of time - such as your 8 hour job five times a week. If you've ever wondered how to stay fit during your 9-5, you might what to follow the below tips.

Talk More & Email Less

How To Stay Fit During Your 9-5

Of course if you need to talk to a client or someone outside the office, then emails are necessary. However, many workers send fellow co-workers emails when they're actually in the office with them. This is NOT necessary! Get up, walk to wherever that person is, and have a quick chat with them there. Not only will you get your body moving and your step count up, but you'll get a quicker and more direct answer by talking to someone in person.

Get Up Every 30 Minutes

How To Stay Fit During Your 9-5

With that being said, it's essential to get up every thirty minutes. You can choose to stretch at your desk, walk around for a few minutes, grab a coffee, or go out to lunch. The great part about smartwatches is that you can set a sedentary reminder, so you will know if you've been sitting too long and that it's time to get up and move.

Stand During Meetings

How To Stay Fit During Your 9-5

You're already sitting at your desk all day, so don't sit down again in a meeting. Especially if they're long, this is your opportunity to take some time to stand up. If you have other willing participants, encourage them to stand up during the meeting as well. Let's say your meeting is outside the office - even better! Choose to walk to your meeting instead of taking a taxi, and if your meeting doesn't require any computers, take things outside and do the walk and talk. This will help everyone stay fit during your 9-5. 

Stretch At Your Desk

How To Stay Fit During Your 9-5

Stretching is a great way to wake yourself up and keep your blood flowing. You can also grab a coffee here or run to the bathroom for deeper stretches. However, there are many quick ones you can do right at your desk. Stand up and stretch your arms out in front of you, over your head, and pulled tightly in the back. Hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds, and we guarantee you'll feel refreshed instantly. Your back plays an important role in this as well since you're sitting for long, so some turning back cracks and reaching your toes can't hurt either.

Find Space For Exercise

How To Stay Fit During Your 9-5

If you work in a big office, you may even be able to find a place to do your favorite exercises. This is great if you can't fit in a full workout during your day, but you can still stay fit during your 9-5. The little things certainly add up, so get to it! Find a nice quiet spot and perform a few squats, lunges, jumping jacks, etc. Just be sure you have enough room and aren't disturbing anyone around you!

Sit On An Exercise Ball

How To Stay Fit During Your 9-5

Don't knock it until you try it. Many people who do work long hours are choosing to sit on an exercise ball for a good reason. Not only will it teach you to sit up straight, but you are working out your back muscles, shoulders, and legs just by sitting on one. How cool is that? Since you also have this exercise tool right at your desk, you can certainly take advantage of it. Try rolling back and forth by pushing your legs out, or kicking it quietly against a wall near you. 

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