How To Stay On A Budget

How To Stay On A Budget

Staying on a budget can be hard, especially after the holiday season when there are so many activities to do and so many things to buy. You may have been free from work and school, but that doesn’t mean your bank account is. We are here to show you exactly how to save money and how to stay on a budget this season.

Personal Care Budget

how to stay on a budget

We may be accustomed to getting our nails and hair done frequently at a salon, but there are alternatives. Check out these tips on how to save money while still looking and feeling your best.

  • Find exclusive deals and coupons online at Groupon, Yipit, and Living Social.
  • Indulge in DIY spa days and create your own face masks and scrubs.
  • Paint your own nails with nail polish you already have.
  • Get your hair done for free or cheap by a student at a local beauty school.
  • Use coconut oil or olive oil instead of expensive shaving creams and lotions.
  • Take care of yourself to avoid getting sick and going to the doctor.
  • Ask your doctor for a 3-month supply of prescription meds taken regularly.
  • Take advantage of free fitness classes at gyms and fitness studios.
  • Only treat yourself to clothes, shoes, or cosmetics if you need something.

Socialize On A Budget

how to stay on a budget

Trust us, your friends are all in the same boat as you. Everyone wants to save money and spend less, so try these creative ways to stay on a budget when you’re out.

  • Whip up your own greeting cards and invitations instead of ordering them.
  • Find restaurants with lunch specials or student discounts.
  • Cook your own meals and eat out less- this includes packing a lunch for work or school and avoiding take-out!
  • Do something free with your friends, such as a museum or park.
  • Make your own gifts that are just as meaningful as expensive ones.
  • Watch a movie in the comfort of your home instead of a theater.
  • Share media streaming accounts with friends or family and split the cost.
  • Swap clothes, shoes, books, music, and DVDs with friends.
  • Cancel any subscriptions and memberships you don’t use.

Budgeting At Home

how to stay on a budget

Especially if you’re paying your own bills and just moved into a new place, you’re going to want to keep your electric bill down. Here’s how to stay on a budget in your home.

  • Turn down the heat and time of your showers to save money and water.
  • If you’re hot, open the windows first or invest in a fan before cranking the AC.
  • Choose energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs.
  • Hang dry most of your clothing and keep them in good condition.
  • Keep appliances clean and maintained so they last longer.
  • Invest in less TV time (it’s summer and you should be outside anyway!)
  • Ditch cable altogether. Who needs an extra bill to pay when there’s the internet?
  • Turn off and unplug the lights when they’re not in use and take advantage of natural sunlight.
  • Turn off the water while scrubbing dishes

How do you stay on a budget? Share with us your tips by tagging us on Instagram @itouchwearables and Facebook @itouchwearables. Also, be sure to check out our new articles published daily!
