Favorite Fall Clothing Trends

Favorite Fall Clothing Trends

If you're not really sure what to wear this fall, don't worry - we have you covered! It is time to get shopping and splurge on some new outfits for the season. You may recognize some of these trend...
Exercise Alternatives to Pushups and Crunches

Exercise Alternatives to Pushups and Crunches

Let's all just agree that two of the most hated exercises are pushups and crunches. Exercising is hard enough without the idea of having to a pushup or crunch. What if we told you that there was an...
Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes To Make This Holiday

Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes To Make This Holiday

Everyone deserves to pig out and eat as much as they want on Thanksgiving, so being vegan shouldn’t stop this. There’s an array of healthy holiday food and vegan recipes out there that you or your ...
Benefits Of A Consistent Sleep Schedule

Benefits Of A Consistent Sleep Schedule

Do you go to bed the same time every night and stay asleep? Probably not! Most adults need at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night to properly function the following day. A constant sleeping schedule c...
Easy Resistance Band Exercises

Easy Resistance Band Exercises

Resistance bands add an extra challenge to your exercises but do not put the same amount of stress on the body as a weight. They can also help you focus on joints and muscles that you may not typic...
The Fruitarian Diet: Does A Fruit Only Diet Work?

The Fruitarian Diet: Does A Fruit Only Diet Work?

Today, there are many different styles of eating. Some people are vegetarian, pescatarian, and now there is also fruitarian. However, does this diet actually work and it is beneficial? Can fruit gi...
5 Exercises To Do At Your Desk

5 Exercises To Do At Your Desk

Sitting at your desk all day is bad for your health. Most of us do not get to the gym as frequently as we should either. Now, you can grab your co-worker and say "no gym, no problem," because iTouc...
Why You Should Be Wearing Sunscreen All Year Long

Why You Should Be Wearing Sunscreen All Year Long

Summer may be long gone, but that doesn’t mean you should stop wearing sunscreen. Believe it or not, the sun can be just as strong and harmful in the fall and winter. Here are reasons why you shoul...
What Are The Best Potassium Rich Foods?

What Are The Best Potassium Rich Foods?

Did you know there are actually foods with more potassium than bananas? Potassium is a vital miner and electrolyte that your body needs to function properly. Your average potassium should be 4,700 ...